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      规则:风雨队和岁月队分别派出9个人分成3组比赛,每组比赛6个人,3个风雨队队员3个岁月队队员每个人起个外号,比如分别叫茄子,西红柿,大白菜,青椒,胡萝卜。然后由一个人开始,比如由胡萝卜开始,他就做坐下起立的动作,然后打出“胡萝卜蹲胡萝卜蹲,胡萝卜蹲完青椒蹲”,这时候青椒就赶紧也做坐下起立的动作,然后再打出下一个蹲的是谁,谁要是在5秒钟内接不上谁就被淘汰,如此类推,最后剩下的就是获胜者 ,切记的是一定要先做坐下起立的动作然后再打下一个蹲的人是谁。


      Small game squat squatting music

      Rules: wind and rain teams and years team sent nine people divided into three groups games, Game 6 in each group, three trials and team members three years members of the team a nickname for everyone, such as are called eggplant, tomatoes, cabbage, green peppers , carrots. Then started by a person, for example, by the carrot, he did sit down and stand up action, and then hit the "carrot carrots squatting squat, green pepper and carrots squatting finished squatting", this time green peppers quickly, do sit down and stand up the action, and then played a squatting who, whoever is in less than 5 seconds on who will be eliminated or not, and so on, the last remaining is the winner, remember that we must do is to sit down and stand up action and then to lay a squatting Who.

      Determination of winners and losers: If the 5 seconds you squat you no squatting which will be eliminated, if the game one of the players have been eliminated, which the other party is a winner if the last remaining 2 individuals are the players of the two teams then host will get involved as a personal 3 to continue the game until eliminated from the party until 3 innings wins, the last team to win available prizes

      上一篇:小游戏-猴子卖桃 下一篇:小游戏-奇怪的墙壁

