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      • 入学申请书尊敬的校领导:你们好。我是我校级会计二班的学生夏秋叶。我在去年的一次体育课上,由于不慎摔了一跤,造成了左腿骨折。经过一年的治疗和调养,现已基本…
      • 入学申请书的使用通常有以下一些情况:原先不在该学校学习,后来因为搬家等情况必须离开原学校,后转入该校学习的,则需向该学校提出入学申请。一些休学在家的…
      • 入学申请书的特性通常应该有以下几点。(一)目的的明确性入学申请书目的明确,专为一事即请求入学来写。因此入学申请书只写自己请求入学的理由和有关内容,而对别的事…
      • 外贸信函什么叫邀请信
      • 入学申请书在写明自己的理由和要求时要具体明确,这样可以使学校有关方面便于研究解决问题。入学申请书语言要准确,文字要朴实,只要对方看懂即可,不可浮泛冗长,…
      • 入学申请书一般有五部分组成,即标题、称呼、正文、结尾、落款。(一)标题入学申请书的标题通常要求写在第一行中间,字体稍大。入学申请书的标题还可单独写在为申请书…
      • 随着改革开放的深入,各种国际间交流的增多,英文的使用已成为人们日常生活中并不少见的现象。而用英文书信同国外进行联系也愈来愈多,同时许多外国人生活在中国,…
      • 范 文 一 】自何年何月至何年何月在何地何部门任何职工作属性证明人1977年9月-1984年7月河南省荥阳市广武乡丁楼村读书丁冠中 1984年9月-1987年7月荥阳市第一初级中学读书马玉…
      • 入学申请书刊授大学尊敬的先生、女士:你们好。我是居住在英国伦敦的一名华人。我从一个在上海的朋友那里得知你们在国内举办刊授大学的消息,颇感兴趣,所以不惜隔…
      • 由之前英语常用应用文的分类来看,基本上我们接触的常用应用文主要是书信类。书信的具体写法格式,中文同英文是有很大差别的。因此了解英文书信的一些常识性东西是…
      • Dear Sir,We are pleased to enclose credit information regarding the above,relative to which you inquire in your letter of March 25,1982.This is given to you in confidence and will,we trust serve your purpose.Very t…
      • 写英文书信,不能用印有线条的信纸,一般也不用有颜色的信纸。可用简略的拼法,如将Photograph写成fotograf.,将though写成tho.等。不可用Dear Friend,、Friend Jack,等格式。如果…
      • 书信是交流思想、互通信息、联络感情的有效工具。从大的范围看,英文书信可分为公函或者事务信件和私人信件两大类。前者主要是单位与单位之间,个人与单位之间的工…
      • 信封的格式:J.RobinsonSTAMP104FLeet StreetLondon, u.k.Mr.Robert Smith2417 Bancraft Way.Berkely, CA 94704U.S.A.…
      • Gentlemen:Last year we achieved a 25% increase in the sales of our businessmens suits.we believed that this happy state of affairs can be attributed to two causes.First,we managed to avoid passing on any part of our …
      • 入学申请书(Letter of application to school)是向有关学校或单位提出申请,希望前往求学或进修学习时所使用的一种书信体应用文。 入学申请书在今天使用的不是太多,但也会碰…
      • An informal invitationDear Miss Chang, We have planned a house party as a sort of farewell before our trip to Soochow, and we are particularly anxious to have you join us . I hope there is nothing to prevent you from coming ou…
      • Gentlemen: Through the courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce & Industry,HongKong,we have your name as a firm who is interested in doing business with us,in this market.We have been exporting and importing general mer…
      • Dear Sirs, Many thanks for your offer of May 15 for 2,000 units of TV. We regret being unable to promote the sails of these goods as our customers ask that they can not put up with slightest higher prices because quick d…
      • Dear Sirs,Many thanks for your letter of October 6,We have given our careful consideration to your counter offer against our offer for woolen blanket.We are quite earnest,of course,to meet your wishes and to supply y…
      • Dear Sirs, We have seen your advertisement in The Economy Dailyand are interested in your leather boxes and shoes of all kinds. Please quote us for the supply of the item listed on the enclosed query form,giving your pri…
      • Dear Sirs,We are pleased to confirm receipt of your order for kitchen ware and would advise that dispatch will be by M/V Evergreenaround April 15.This is well within the time you specified.Our bank has confirmed receip…
      • Dear Sirs,We have pleasure in advising you that your order of March 6 has been shipped today by M/Y Applol from Tokyo.Please find enclosed our invoice for @ 6182 and note that we have drawn on you for this amount at si…
      • Dear Sirs,Many thanks for your price-list of March 15.We have now decided to place the enclosed order with you.We have asked the Bank of HongKong,here to open a credit for @ 50,000 in your favour and this will re…
      • Dear Sirs,We thank you very much for your order NO.DF-16 March 28 with which you have sent us your shipping instructions.The goods of your order are being manufactured for shipment.You informed us that you will arrange…
      • Dear Sirs, My wife and I were very grateful to receive an invitation to attend the celebrations marking the opening of your new factory.We are sorry to inform you that we have to decline your invitation owing to a previous…
      • 例一:150 Kensington RoadBrooklyn,New York 12②,N.Y.③June 10 1985例二:Established 1900TELEPHONE:CHICAGO ENVELOPE COMPANY CABLE ADDRESS:CALUMET 4251 2901-2917 INDIANA AVENUE ENVELOPE CHICAGORef.No.CHIC…
      • Dear Sirs, Near the close to another year,we would like to take this opportunity of th anking our friends and customers for their continued confidence and patronage. We send you and your families our best wishes for Chri…
      • 书信是交流思想、互通信息、联络感情的有效工具。从大的范围看,英文书信可分为公函或 者 事务信件和私人信件两大类。前者主要是单位与单位之间,个人与单位之间的工…
      • Dear Sirs,We confirm dispatch of your order for Indian rugs,and give the below packing arrangements to facilitate discharge at your end.The letter A,B,and C represent sub marks on the ships stowage plan.A.200 She…
