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      • 我日思夜想的兔兔: 每次想到你,我都会充分调动五官的每一个部分,以显示出想你的诚意来。我的左眼皮会跳,会连续不断地打喷嚏,伴之以眼中的思念牌泪花。我的左耳…
      • 搞笑情书搞笑情书片段
        静: 情人节那天你问我哪里对你好,我一时想不起来,经常这两天的思考,我终于想到如下这些我对你好的地方: 一、没认识你之前我拿奖学金,认识你之后我考试补考。没…
      • 浪漫情书经典浪漫情书
        翠青: 你难以想象,这三个月我是在怎样的思念中度过的!不知道讲师团的时间为什么非定为半年?我多么想把你换回来呀! 你的身体本来就不好,一不注意就胃疼。我不知…
      • 我的允琳,吻你 我简直是一分钟一分钟地计算着国家的时间,见到你的时间。从现在算起,到我能把你紧紧地抱在怀里,一共还有64个小时,3840分钟当然,如果火车不误点的…
      • 陈婕: 我是康!你可知道认识你是我这一身最幸运的事。其实你我都不会忘记在一起的日子,遇见了你你给了我温暖,在我最不知所措的时候,是你的出现改变了我所有,改…
      • Dear Leann, I went to bed last night with a vision of you next to me. I slept like a baby all night, because I was not feeling alone. When I awoke this morning to see if it was real or if it was a dream, realty hit me that it …
      • 谁在箜篌里舞出沉郁的步子,是谁的叹息席卷飘雪如花,是谁一路迤俪的路途上,雪花以润湿羽毛的姿态直直的堕落。 亲爱的,我是桂花荫下你忧伤呜咽的笛音,我是河畔边…
      • 或许,在别人,甚至我的家人看来,我和她都不太合适。学历差的多了点,我是研究生,而她只是职高毕业。我倒没在乎这些,我要的是一起过日子的老婆,不是一纸文凭,…
      • 当我走进网络的时候,我的心跳加快,当我看到你的出现,我激动万分,当我走出网络,我感觉失意,没有你的日子,我无法度过! 记得那个下雨天/向天空邂逅了闪电/你站…
      • 朝为越溪女,暮作吴宫妃。 贱日岂殊众,贵来方悟稀。 邀人傅脂粉,不自著罗衣。 君宠益娇态,君怜无是非。 当时浣纱伴,莫得同车归。 持谢邻家子,效颦安可希! 搁笔…
      • 英文情书英文情书范文
        Dear D. A., Its been quite awhile since Ive written you a letter. I must say that after all those times weve been apart youre still the one Im longing for. You see, life has never been the same without you. Every day and every…
      • 浪漫情书还是祝你幸福
        吱吱: 还记得这个称呼吗?那是我们那次晚上一起取的名字,你叫吱吱,我叫咪咪.那个时候我感觉我真的好幸福啊,是的,那个时候我是很幸福的,但是现在的我就不是了,我不知道为…
      • 英文情书英语情书范文
        Lawrence Sterne to Miss L. Yes! I will steal from the world, and not a babbling tongue shall tell where I am. Echo shall not so much as whisper my hiding place. Suffer the imagination to permit it as a little sun-light cottage…
      • 天若有情天亦老,惆怅旧爱如梦,醒来无处追寻。 你只是这样存在于我的梦中么?如果是,为什么会如此清晰地刻在我的脑海之中,仿佛你一直在我身边,与我的脉搏一起跳…
      • 雨,停了。街边的杨柳娉娉婷婷,如少女的秀发在随风而舞。一轮雨后的月亮羞涩地从薄薄的云层中探出脸来,沁人的温馨如一首悠扬的情歌,在月色溶溶中飞翔着一缕雾霭…
      • Dear G.J.P., Everyday, every moment that goes by I think of you. My brain tells me to give up, but my heart says I cant stop loving you. I spend all day dreaming of the moment you would call to say you feel the same way. As mu…
      • 英文情书一封英文情书
        Dear Tasha, You are the very air that I breathe, the very love that I need, my heart, my soul, my everything. The sweetest of my memories come when I think of you. I remember the very first day that I saw you, I could not beli…
      • Dear Your application for admission to my love has been given careful consideration. I regret to advise you that I am unable to offer you admission and realize this news will be a disappointment to you. Due to restrictions of …
      • 浪漫情书浪漫情书范文
        宝贝: 夜已经很深了,我还坐在电脑前写信给你,这些天总是有很多话想对你说,但对你的思念扰乱了我所有的思绪。我不知道该说些什么或怎么说?说心里话,这些天我很…
      • 英文情书经典英文情书
        Dear Ayo, Seriously, Babes, I love you because I have never been loved by anyone the way you love me. I feel like a complete woman. I love your patient manner, your generous nature, your hands on my body, particularly when you…
      • Dear Sharif, I always thought that dreams were just dreams, but you made them all come true and even better, you built new dreams with me! I can not thank you enough for being more than perfect because you showed me that even …
      • Dear Javier, I can still remember our first time together, the way you kissed me, the way your hands caressed my body, the way you looked at me. Its truly amazing the way you completely changed my life around. Just when I thou…
      • Dear Tini, It has been a long time since we met. I cant believe how long Ive been loving you and how long I contained my love. The look of your eyes and that smile that you gave me, melted my heart away. Those smooth cheeks yo…
      • 怎么写情书常用的情书短信
        好想从现在开始抱著你,紧紧的抱著你,一直走到上帝面前 这辈子最疯狂的事,就是爱上了你,最大的希望,就是有你陪我疯一辈子 真的,输了你,赢了世界又如何???…
      • 怎么写情书第一次写情书
        第一次情书无非在三种情况下来写。 一给从末接触过的人的情书。 二给虽然接触过,但即不曾对他直接表明过爱意的人的情书。 三是给相爱的人的情书。 第三种情况,似乎…
      • Dear Shortie, Look, I dont know where to start. I love you. I have loved you since as long as I can remember, Shortie. I guess the first time I told was when I realized how much you meant to me. We have known each other for ye…
      • 英文情书英文情书大全
        Dear Rodney, I could kiss you a thousand times and still not be satisfied. My love for you is endless, so tender, so hot and complete. I swear to God I want you in my life. I love you more and more with each day passing and it…
      • Dear Wang little girl: From see you one eye, I shit love you. Your eyes close, I die; your eyes open, I come back to live. Your eyes close and open again and again, I die again and again. Maybe you do not know me, no matter. O…
      • My Dear, Your application for admission to my love has been given careful consideration. I regret to advise you that I am unable to offer you admission and realize this news will be a disappointment to you. Due to restrictions…
      • 怎么写情书女生怎样写情书
        沈容,好! 今夜皓月当空,抑林摇曳,晚风轻拂,桂花飘香。校园里,一对对情侣依偎漫步,草坪上,一双双恋人喁喁私语。面对此情此景,我不禁感慨万千,我多么希望在…
